Lovejoy, The Artist
The life of an artist encompasses many skills, adventures, failures, and successes. Lovejoy graduated from Savannah College of Art & Design in 2003. Her goal when leaving Savannah was to earn a living as an artist and be creative and active daily. Years later that statement holds true, and with a simple work/life balance Lovejoy found success in Southern California. Her love of color, animals, and palette knife painting is still going strong, spilling over into watercolors. Grateful that she gets to paint to her heart’s content, it soothes her soul and helps her maintain her peace.
Lovejoy discovered her absolute love for teaching painting to beginners. She was part of the first wave of the paint and sip industry, and seeing how much the “art therapy” side of the adult painting was needed, Lovejoy’s Paint Your Pet class was an instant success and still going strong, 10+ years later. Due to the success of the Paint Your Pet workshops, Lovejoy has turned it into an online course so that anyone can learn to paint and have the added joy of painting something they love. (paintyourpetcourse.com). Along with other courses for first-time and beginner painters to become confident in their new painting skills. Lovejoy’s teaching style is very logical, with clear step-by-step instructions, options, and positive support. Many of the perspectives she shares when teaching can be lessons or perspectives applied to life in general. In her 15+ years of teaching, she has helped over 9 thousand students discover & enjoy the process of painting. Grateful to have found her purpose (that she enjoys), Lovejoy doesn’t plan on stopping anytime soon, she is working with various non-profits, as well as online outlets.
Lovejoy’s passion project “Paint with Lovejoy”, is an online school for First-time and beginner painters of all ages. Lovejoy will help you transform from a scared creative into a confident painter. Bring painting into your world, with the camps you get weekly assignments and mentored by Lovejoy. Or try the clubs and get into the routine of painting regularly, with a new tutorial released every two weeks. Start when you want, and paint on your schedule. = PaintwithLovejoy.com
Lovejoy currently resides in Sedona,AZ and travels for her workshops